Home / Full timeline / The Kushite kingdom of Meroe arises when Sabaeans from southern Arabia settle in northern Ethiopia and build a new culture centered around iron-working.
The Kushite kingdom of Meroe arises when Sabaeans from southern Arabia settle in northern Ethiopia and build a new culture centered around iron-working.
500 BC
Rise of the Kushite kingdom of Meroe, a busy iron-working center on the Middle Nile in the northern part of the modern Republic of Sudan. Sabaeans from southern Arabia settled in northern Ethiopia and with the local peoples began to build a new culture that was to be the parent culture of Axum. The gradual replacement of stone by iron for essential weapons and tools began. By c. 200 BC the metal founders of Meroe had built a major industry in iron. But the actual setting up of iron-extractive and forging industries south of the Sahara seems not to have occurred until soon after 300 BC. The existence of an iron-using industry over a fairly wide area of the Niger and Benue rivers (in north central Nigeria) has been validated by archaeological evidence.
- • Diggs, E. I. (1983). Black Chronology: From 4000 B.C. to the abolition of the Slave Trade. G.K. Hall. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/blackchronologyf0000digg/page/n5/mode/2up.