Keith Lock

Keith Lock
New Timeline Event Guidelines
This is for the general population, so please write as simply as possible (like a magazine article).
When possible, try to humanize the enslaved with terms such as "the enslaved", "enslaved africans", "enslaved black woman", etc.
Try your best to minimize the use of the words: no, not, and any contraction of the word not (didn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t, don’t, etc.). Minimizing these words creates a more positive tone for the reader.
Since Black American history is affected by black history from all over the world, it is okay (and encouraged) to include events that happened outside of the Americas if it is related, and helps tell the story of Black American history.
Always be honest, and use your best judgement 🙂
Event Date
The more specific the date, the better.
Use whatever format you'd like. It will be edited to the proper format prior to being published to the timeline.
Timeline Placement Date
This determines where your event actually gets placed on the timeline (so it should closely match your Event Date above). For example, if your event happened Dec. 1902 but there is no verified day, and your placement date is 12/15/1902, then your event will appear in the 12/15/1902 slot on the timeline.
For events that occur over a span of time, always place events on the earliest possible date. For example, if the event date is Aug 18 - 23, 1524, your placement date should be 1524-Aug-18.
For AD: enter the 4-digit year, select the month, then enter the 2-digit day. All 3 fields are required.
For MYA, YA, BCE, CE: enter the number with no commas.
Event Title
Limit the title to 1 or 2 sentences, but aim for 1 descriptive sentence.
Title should summarize the “big picture” of the entry as best as possible.
The reader should be able to get the gist of the entry from reading the title alone.
Bad example: “Nat turner’s slave rebellion”
Good example: “Nat Turner’s slave rebellion kills roughly 60 people but is suppressed and spreads fear among the White American South.”
Event Details
This is for the general population - keep it very simple and easy to read. Write it as if you were writing a magazine article.
The first one or two sentences should generally be an overall summary of the entire entry (almost like an even more descriptive summary of the title).
Each entry should read like a short (and easy-to-read) story describing things like: the cause of the event, important people involved, locations, sequence of events, outcomes, and impact.
All information must be factual and neutral (void of any personal opinion). Concrete, evidence based information only. Sentences appearing to include assumptions, speculations, or personal feelings will be disapproved.
Good Example: Using an estimated 2.3 million large stone blocks weighing an average of 2.5 tons each, The Great Pyramid of Giza is built by the Egyptian labor force over the course of roughly 27 years (Khufu's entire reign). Initially standing at 481 ft tall, it took an estimated 5.5 million tons of limestone, 8,000 tons of granite, and 500,000 tons of mortar to build. This showcase of Ancient Egypt's advanced mathematics and engineering skills have made this structure one of the most famous in the world, and the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World to remain largely intact.
Reference Citations
Peer reviews are what determines if your event gets published to the timeline. Though optional, citations will help the reviewers and increase your chances of your event getting approval.
You may use whatever citation style you'd like (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.).
Additional Resources
Add any additional resources that relate to this entry for a reader to learn more. Videos, essays, articles, research papers, ebooks, are all good choices.